Monday 11 August 2008

fpa Reacts To MHRA Approval Of Over-The-Counter Chlamydia Treatment, UK

�The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has given commendation for a medicine to be made available from a druggist without a doctor's prescription drug to treat chlamydia. Reacting to this decision Natika H Halil, Director of Information, fpa said:

"For people wHO are already testing themselves at home it is a in truth positive step forward that the discussion can now also be bought from pharmacies. This will assure fast and effective memory access to handling. This service has the potential to play an important percentage in reduction rates of chlamydia, which is the most coarse sexually hereditary infection. Pharmacists are well placed to provide this service to those world Health Organization wish to access discussion in this way, simply there is still release testing, treatment and advice available from the NHS for all sexually transmitted infections."

fpa (Family Planning Association) is the only when registered charity working to improve the sexual health and procreative rights of all hoi polloi throughout the UK.

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